Why route generation does not work in opposite direction of ego vehicle?

Hello Roberto,

Yes, I am able to successfully create a opposite route, with “Route Editing”. It looks like this issue is with “Route Generation” tool.

Of course, I can setup a call in the coming week. Let me know your suitable time on Wednesday or Thursday. I have un-limited access to Skype only. No WebEx/Microsoft Teams. Let me know if it is OK with you.

I have raised a few more questions on the forum. They are un-answered.

Usage of “tclgeo” script, to print Ego vehicle velocity with every frame of IPGMovie - Tracks & Scenarios - IPG Automotive Forums (ipg-automotive.com)

Why a stationary object appears after a delay? - Tracks & Scenarios - IPG Automotive Forums (ipg-automotive.com)

Could we discuss about the above two questions too?
