Facing some issues on NI Pxie Co simulation , the inputs and outputs which are connected to Ni VeriStand , could nt able to display on the Veristand screen.,How to add these variables for further getting the results from NI controller.
I have followed the below link still the make file is not getting build, makefile error 1 is happening…,
[Instead of using MSYS to build a new CarMaker executable, I would like to execute make and make clean commands from the Microsoft Windows command prompt. How can I do that? | IPG Automotive]
Hi vinothparama,
welcome to the forum.
Your request is very specific and without sharing any error messages it is very dificult to guess what could get wrong.
Anyway, instead of following up with two unspecific FAQs I would rather recommend to use the standard documentation. In the Programmers Guide of TruckMaker you’ll find the chapter: “Using CarMaker HIL with National Instruments
Hardware” which guides you through the steps you need to do in order to succed.