ubuntu 22
ros2: humble
carmaker version: 12.0.1
i have this error when i activate lidar sensor "GPU-Sensors 1: Error: Timeout during startup.
i used different PC’S but it the same error , any help?
Could you go through the two steps outlined in this post:
Hello Rachel,
I spoke to my colleague in Germany who usually deals with GPU issues. He has two suggestions.
First, we need to test CarMaker without all the ROS stuff. I expect the problem is with the GPU libraries and integration, but I can only be sure if we test with pure CarMaker.
Go to your CarMaker installation folder and find the “CM” executable file. If you have installed CarMaker in the default path, then the default location of the executable is here:
Run the LidarRSI_Countryside with pure CarMaker, no ROS.
Run CarMaker again with the -debug flag and share the output of the terminal
I assume this is a duplicate of your other post linked below and we can continue discussions there?
hello , when i activate lidar sensor it gives “unknown error”
and it cannot work , any help ?