The OpenXWD example vehicle included in Formula Carmaker doesn’t change its pitch at all during acceleration, it stays completely flat, while it does pitch forwards just fine under braking.
I managed to trace it back to which powertrain model is selected. Simply changing the powertrain to anything else other than OpenXWD makes the roll under acceleration just fine, so it isn’t anything about kinematics, or other parts of car setup.
One way to see the effect is by viewing
using Application > Direct Variable Access or inside Simulink. They stay at exactly the same height relative to each other during acceleration, and if aerodynamics model is disabled they stay at the same height no matter if the car is stationary or fully accelerating.
So it seems some part of physics calculations is not being done when the wheel torque is set inside Simulink and not using one of the built in CM powertrains.
The same issue affects our custom powertrain build on top of the OpenXWD example.
I have encountered that with Carmaker 12.0.1 on Linux and examples downloaded in September. I will test CM 13 and new examples as soon as possible, but for now I couldn’t as I am getting errors on the website trying to get new license or downloading the new version.
I would be thankful if someone could validate my findings. Does anyone know a way to work around this issue?