Simulation file extention

Hello, does anyone know the extension of the file saved in data>Testrun after the simulation? if so, how can i generate this extension using matlab?

Could you explain this in more detail? What are you trying to do?

Usually TestRuns don’t have an extension such as .txt or .dat, instead they rely on a FileIdent writen in the first few lines of the file. For example:

FileIdent = CarMaker-TestRun 12

I am trying to generate and ASCII text using matlab with the same format of the testrun, and I want to use this ASCII file generated by matlab to run the simulations in CarMaker

Actually it almost worked,now im getting this error which I am finding it difficult to solve!

It sounds like you’re dealing with a complex task. Based on what you’ve described, you might be aiming for one of two approaches:

  1. Creating a TestRun from scratch: If this is the case, you’ll need a deep understanding of the entire CarMaker TestRun structure, including all keys and parameter settings. This approach requires a lot of trial and error, or you’ll need to study multiple TestRun examples to get it right.

  2. Modifying an existing TestRun: If you’re only changing a few parameters, like the road length, this is more feasible. However, you’ll be limited to the predefined road setup.

Which of these two methods are you planning to use?

The second options suits me well!, but do you know why, the screenshot which I posted, throws a lot of errors like those?

From what I can read, ir appears that you entered a bunch of duplicate or incorrect keys. Could you share your file here? Just be sure to change the extension to .txt, so that you are able to upload it.

Sorry Since I am new user, i cannot upload the file! Ill copy the content here!
#INFOFILE1.1 - Do not remove this line!
FileIdent = CarMaker-TestRun 7
FileCreator = CarMaker 7.1.4 2019-7-26
Vehicle =
Trailer =
Tire.0 =
Tire.1 =
Tire.2 =
Tire.3 =
Snapshot.TimeLimit =
Snapshot.DistLimit =
VehicleLoad.0.mass = 0
VehicleLoad.0.pos = 0 0 0
VehicleLoad.1.mass = 0
VehicleLoad.1.pos = 0 0 0
VehicleLoad.2.mass = 0
VehicleLoad.2.pos = 0 0 0
VehicleLoad.3.mass = 0
VehicleLoad.3.pos = 0 0 0
TrailerLoad.0.mass = 0
TrailerLoad.0.pos = 0 0 0
TrailerLoad.1.mass = 0
TrailerLoad.1.pos = 0 0 0
TrailerLoad.2.mass = 0
TrailerLoad.2.pos = 0 0 0
DrivMan.Init.Velocity = $extVelocity=90
DrivMan.Init.GearNo = 1
DrivMan.Init.SteerAng = 0
DrivMan.Init.LaneOffset = 0
DrivMan.Init.OperatorActive = 1
DrivMan.Init.OperatorState = drive
DrivMan.VhclOperator.Kind = IPGOperator 1
DrivMan.nDMan = 2
DrivMan.0.Info = drive ay
DrivMan.0.TimeLimit = 150
DrivMan.0.EndCondition = Car.ay >= $extTarget_Ay=0.0
Eval PT.Control.GB_M.GearNoTrg=1;
Eval PT.Control.GB_M1.GearNoTrg=1;
Eval PT.Control.GB_M2.GearNoTrg=1;
DrivMan.0.LongDyn = VelControl $extVelocity=100 0.0 1.0 0.0 1 0.0
DrivMan.0.LatDyn = Step 250.0 0.0 150.0 abs 1
DrivMan.0.SteerMode = Angle
DrivMan.1.Info = constant steering angle
DrivMan.1.TimeLimit = 10
DrivMan.1.LongDyn = VelControl $extVelocity=100 0.0 1.0 0.0 1 0.0
DrivMan.1.LatDyn = Step 0 0.0 1.0 offset 1
DrivMan.1.SteerMode = Angle
DrivMan.2.Info = manipulation
DrivMan.2.TimeLimit = 2
Eval Qu::FreezeTorque=($extFreezeTorque=1)
Eval Qu::Degradation=($extDegradation=1)
Eval Qu::FaultType=($extFaultType=2);
Eval Qu::FaultTime=($extFaultTime=0.5);
Eval Qu::FaultAmplitude=($extFaultAmplitude=2000);
Eval Qu::GradientFrontEM=($extGradientFrontEM=40000);
Eval Qu::MaxTorqueFrontEM=($extMaxTorqueFrontEM=5000);
#Freezing the engine torque of 2 EM topology before manipulation
Eval (FreezeTorque==1 && DM.ManTime==0) ? a = PT.Motor.Trq;
Eval (FreezeTorque==1 && DM.ManTime==0) ? b = PT.Motor1.Trq;
Eval (FreezeTorque==1 && DM.ManTime >0) ? PT.Control.Motor.Trq_trg=a;
Eval (FreezeTorque==1 && DM.ManTime >0) ? PT.Control.Motor1.Trq_trg=b;
Eval (FreezeTorque==0 && DM.ManTime >0) ? PT.Control.GB_M.GearNoTrg=2;
Eval (FreezeTorque==0 && DM.ManTime >0) ? PT.Control.GB_M1.GearNoTrg=2;
################################## Fault Injection with 2 EM topology ############################
# Fault Injection Front Left EM
Eval (FaultType==1 && FaultTime > 0 && FaultAmplitude > 0) ? PT.Control.GB_M.GearNoTrg=2;
Eval (FaultType==1 && FaultTime > 0 && FaultAmplitude > 0) ? Brake.Trq_FL_ext=min(min(DM.ManTimeGradientFrontEM, FaultAmplitude), MaxTorquefrontEM);
Eval (DM.ManTime>(FaultTime) && FaultType==1 && FaultTime > 0 && FaultAmplitude > 0) ? Brake.Trq_FL_ext=0;
Eval (DM.ManTime>(FaultTime) && FaultType==1 && FaultTime > 0 && FaultAmplitude > 0 && Degradation==1) ? PT.Control.GB_M.GearNoTrg=2;
# Fault Injection Front Right EM1
Eval (FaultType==2 && FaultTime > 0 && FaultAmplitude > 0) ? PT.Control.GB_M1.GearNoTrg=2;
Eval (FaultType==2 && FaultTime > 0 && FaultAmplitude > 0) ? Brake.Trq_FR_ext=min(min(DM.ManTime
GradientFrontEM, FaultAmplitude), MaxTorqueFrontEM);
Eval (DM.ManTime>(FaultTime) && FaultType==2 && FaultTime > 0 && FaultAmplitude > 0) ? Brake.Trq_FR_ext=0;
Eval (DM.ManTime>(FaultTime) && FaultType==2 && FaultTime > 0 && FaultAmplitude > 0 && Degradation==1) ? PT.Control.GB_M1.GearNoTrg=2;
# Fault Injection front Axle
Eval (FaultType==3 && FaultTime > 0 && FaultAmplitude > 0) ? PT.Control.GB_M.GearNoTrg=2;
Eval (FaultType==3 && FaultTime > 0 && FaultAmplitude > 0) ? PT.Control.GB_M1.GearNoTrg=2;
Eval (FaultType==3 && FaultTime > 0 && FaultAmplitude > 0) ? Brake.Trq_FL_ext=min(min(DM.ManTimeGradientFrontEM, FaultAmplitude), MaxTorqueFrontEM);
Eval (FaultType==3 && FaultTime > 0 && FaultAmplitude > 0) ? Brake.Trq_FR_ext=min(min(DM.ManTime
GradientFrontEM, FaultAmplitude), MaxTorqueFrontEM);
Eval (DM.ManTime>(FaultTime) && FaultType==3 && FaultTime > 0 && FaultAmplitude > 0) ? Brake.Trq_FL_ext=0;
Eval (DM.ManTime>(FaultTime) && FaultType==3 && FaultTime > 0 && FaultAmplitude > 0) ? Brake.Trq_FR_ext=0;
DrivMan.2.Clutch = 0 0 0.2 abs
DrivMan.2.Gas = 0 0 0.2 offset
DrivMan.2.Brake = 0 0 0.2 offset
DrivMan.2.BrakePark = 0 0 0.2 abs
DrivMan.2.LongDyn = Manual
DrivMan.2.LatDyn = Step 0 0.0 1.0 offset 1
DrivMan.2.SteerMode = Angle
Traffic.IFF.FName =
Traffic.IFF.Time.Name =
Traffic.N = 0
Traffic.SpeedUnit = ms
DrivMan.OW.Active = 0
DrivMan.OW.Quantities =
DrivMan.OW.StartGearNo = 1
DrivMan.OW.StartVelocity =
DrivMan.OW.GasMax = 0.5
DrivMan.OW.RefCh = Time
DrivMan.OW.ConsiderRoadSigns = 0
DrivMan.OW.sRoute.Offset = 0
ErrorClass.0.Action = abort
ErrorClass.0.Save = 0
ErrorClass.0.WarningLimit = 3 5
ErrorClass.1.Action = abort
ErrorClass.1.Save = 0
ErrorClass.1.WarningLimit = 3 5
ErrorClass.2.Action = abort
ErrorClass.2.Save = 0
ErrorClass.2.WarningLimit = 3 5
ErrorClass.3.Action = abort
ErrorClass.3.Save = 0
ErrorClass.3.WarningLimit = 3 5
ErrorClass.4.Action = abort
ErrorClass.4.Save = 0
ErrorClass.4.WarningLimit = 3 5
ErrorClass.5.Action = abort
ErrorClass.5.Save = 0
ErrorClass.5.WarningLimit = 3 5
ErrorClass.6.Action = abort
ErrorClass.6.Save = 0
ErrorClass.6.WarningLimit = 10 5
ErrorClass.7.Action = abort
ErrorClass.7.Save = 0
ErrorClass.7.WarningLimit = 3 5
ErrorClass.10.Action = abort
ErrorClass.10.Save = 0
ErrorClass.10.WarningLimit = 3 5
ErrorClass.11.Action = abort
ErrorClass.11.Save = 0
ErrorClass.11.WarningLimit = 3 5
Road.VhclStartPos = 100 0 0
Road.Lane = center
Road.DigSmooth = 0.2 0 0
Road.DigOptions =
Road.Country = DEU
Road.RouteId = 0
Road.GCS.RefPos_0 = 0 0 0
Road.GCS.Projection = FlatEarth
Road.2Movie.MStrip = 0.12 3 6
Road.2Movie.SStrip = 0.12 0 0 0.1
Road.2Movie.GStrip = 1.50 100
Road.2Movie.MaxErrXY = 0.02
Road.2Movie.GeoStepSize = 0.20
Road.2Movie.GenBridges = 0
Road.2Movie.BgGeoFName =
Road.2Movie.BgGeoOptions =
Road.2Movie.TerrainFName =
FileIdent IPGRoad 4.5
Origin 0 0 0 0
Default $extMue=1.0 1.0 - 0 0 - 0 0
TurnLeft 514.40 90 - - - - 0 0 0
TurnLeft 514.40 90 - - - - 0 0 0
TurnLeft 514.40 90 - - - - 0 0 0
TurnLeft 514.40 90 - - - - 0 0 0
Env.StartTime.Year = 2024
Env.StartTime.Month = 8
Env.StartTime.Day = 22
Env.StartTime.Hour = 16
Env.StartTime.Min = 3
Env.StartTime.Sec = 4.189600e+01
Env.StartTime.DeltaUTC = 0
Env.GNav.Active = 0
Env.Temperature = 20.00
Env.AirDensity = 1.205
Env.AirPressure = 1.01
Env.AirHumidity = 60.00
Env.SolarRadiation = 400.00
Env.RainRate = 0.00
Env.VisRangeInFog = 1000.00
Env.Wind.Kind = none
Env.Wind.Velocity = 0.00
Env.Wind.Angle = 0.00
Env.Kind = Generic
Env.Temp.Offset_Elev = -0.0065
Env.Temp.Offset_sRoad.Amplify = 1.0
Env.Temp.Offset_sRoad.On = 0
Env.Temp.Offset_Time.Amplify = 1.0
Env.Temp.Offset_Time.On = 1
0.0 -2.0
3.0 -2.5
6.0 -2.7
7.5 -2.7
9.0 -2.5
10.0 -2.3
11.0 -1.6
12.0 0.0
13.0 1.4
14.0 2.1
15.5 2.5
17.0 2.2
18.0 1.7
19.0 1.1
20.0 0.2
21.0 -0.6
22.0 -1.1
23.0 -1.6
24.0 -2.0
Driver.ParamIdent = IPGDriver 5
Driver.Mode = std
Driver.Long.DrivMaxSpeed = 0
Driver.Long.CruisingSpeed = 150
Driver.CornerCutCoef = 0.5
Driver.ConsiderTraffic = 1
Driver.Traffic.TimeGapMin = 1.8
Driver.Traffic.TimeGapMax = 5.0
Driver.Traffic.DistMin = 6
Driver.Traffic.DistMax = 250
Driver.Traffic.EcoCoef = 0.75
Driver.Traffic.Overtake = 0
Driver.Traffic.Overtake_Rate = 1
Driver.Traffic.Overtake_dSpeedMin = 10
Driver.Long.dtAccBrake = 0.5
Driver.Long.axMax = 3.0
Driver.Long.axMin = -4.0
Driver.Long.ayMax = 4.0
50.0 1.0 1.0
Driver.Long.DevMax = 0.0
Driver.Long.tReact = 0.0
Driver.Long.TractionControl = 1
Driver.DecShift.UseBrakePark = 0
Driver.DecShift.tSwitchGear = 1.0
1500 4000
2000 3000
Driver.Lat.DevMax = 0.0
Driver.Lat.tReact = 0.0
Driver.Knowl.Long.tActionMin = 4
Driver.Knowl.Lat.StWhlAngleMax = 630
Driver.Knowl.Lat.StWhlAngleVelMax = 500
Driver.Knowl.Lat.StWhlAngleAccMax = 3000
Driver.Learn.VehicleLimits.TestRun =
Driver.Learn.VehicleLimits.Date = 0
Driver.Learn.ControllerDyn.TestRun =
Driver.Learn.ControllerDyn.Date = 0
Driver.Learn.MaxSpeed.TestRun =
Driver.Learn.MaxSpeed.Date = 0
Driver.Learn.Remember = 0
Driver.Learn.Friction = 1.0
Driver.Knowl.Long.tPreviewBra = 0.6
Driver.Knowl.Long.tPreviewAcc = 1.5
Driver.Knowl.Lat.tPreview = 0.8
Driver.Learn.NEng_S = 1

Unfortunately, we only support CarMaker version 11 or higher. Please update your CarMaker version to continue. The latest CarMaker release is 13.1.1.