I’m facing a problem in IO configuration in Rest Bus configurator part
I’ve successfully created one Real and one Simulated ECU in IO Configurator
Mapped the velocity data with S_Data2 of Simulated ECU transmit that via CAN bus, capture that in the embedded TI board for controlling
I’ve applied some equation as simulink block in TI board and resend the captured and modified data in a separate ID via CAN which can be observed
***** 4) Now I want to map this data to E_Data1 variable of Real ECU in the Bus configurator Where this EData1 is mapped to vc.gas carmaker variable and I want to overwrite this mapped variable vc.gas with the value I’m getting as EData1 to complete the closed loop but this is not happening
Can you please give any insight how we can do this writing
Should I need to modify the dbc files to change sender and receiver?
In short reading the CM variable is successful also passing it to a embedded board via can, but when I receive some variable from that board how can I captured it in xpack4 and use that data to change the carmaker variable during simulation.
Thank you. It’ll be very helpful for me if anyone can address this problem.