Problems with CM dict

Hello dear IPG Forum members,

I am doing research related to vehicle motion control.

While using CarMaker, we consider the yaw rate value as a measurable value as the state value of the vehicle, and use it by loading the Car.YawRate value as a Dict in Simulink with UAQ.

I am working in the CM4SL environment and checked in CarMaker->IPG Vehicle->CarAndTrailer->Trailer->CreateBus.Vhcl.Motion.

I checked it as shown in the figure below.

Blue line: Car.Yawrate;
Yellow line: Vhcl Yawvel * 10;

When the value of Vhcl YawVel and UAQ: Car.YawRate is 1, the same value is output. Therefore, I understood that the two values ​​are the same value. (Variable values ​​that are determined to be the same value in the process)

However, when I multiply it by 10 with an arbitrary Gain and output it, the UAQ:Car.Yawrate value is not output as a value multiplied by 10 in the scope.

It seems like a simple error, but I am a bit confused. [Reference Manual] I can’t seem to find it, so I haven’t used CM for that long, so please understand that I’m a beginner.

I’ll tell you my situation as above. Is there an angel who can help me?

Hello Mr.Kim,

Your observation is correct that the Simulink signal Vhcl YawVel and the UAQ Car.YawRate each refer to signals that have same physical meaning.

However, since yaw rate is calculated from yaw, overwriting the signal Vhcl YawVel will not have any influence on the UAQ Car.YawRate and this should not be considered erroneous.

Also, it is unclear to me what your intentions are by changing the Simulink signal yaw rate. Different signals will have different effects when overwriting them as a Simulink signal, since each signal may or may not be used for further calculations within the same cycle after it is propagated.