Line sensor seems to be deffective

It seems that line sensor can detect maximally 10 entities. It reports more, but they are not accessible through UAQ.

Documentation ReferenceManual.pdf says:
26.14.7 Line Sensor
<preQ> := Sensor.Line..LLines. or Sensor.Line..RLines.
<preC> := LineSensor[].LLines.L[] or LineSensor[].RLines.L[]
with i=1…100 (1 is the nearest line) for and i=0…99 for <preC>

So I expect that line 11 could be normally accessible when sensor reports 11 detected lines…

Sensors are enlarged: FrontSigns=0; RearSigns=0, LeftLine=11, RightLine=4, Cam=3
Error: Entity "Sensor.Line.LANE.LLines.11.Type" cannot be attached to CarMaker.
Error: Entity "Sensor.Line.LANE.LLines.11.Width" cannot be attached to CarMaker.
Error: Entity "Sensor.Line.LANE.LLines.11.ColorCode" cannot be attached to CarMaker.
Sensors are enlarged: FrontSigns=0; RearSigns=0, LeftLine=12, RightLine=4, Cam=2
Error: Entity "Sensor.Line.LANE.LLines.11.Type" cannot be attached to CarMaker.
Error: Entity "Sensor.Line.LANE.LLines.11.Width" cannot be attached to CarMaker.
Error: Entity "Sensor.Line.LANE.LLines.11.ColorCode" cannot be attached to CarMaker.
Error: Entity "Sensor.Line.LANE.LLines.12.Type" cannot be attached to CarMaker.
Error: Entity "Sensor.Line.LANE.LLines.12.Width" cannot be attached to CarMaker.
Error: Entity "Sensor.Line.LANE.LLines.12.ColorCode" cannot be attached to CarMaker.
Sensors are enlarged: FrontSigns=0; RearSigns=0, LeftLine=9, RightLine=5, Cam=3

Stupid, only one image is allowed in one post:

you can see that only 10 UAQs is allocated even when more lines is reported.