Limit maximum lateral acceleration

I’m trying to set up a simulation using the IPG Driver for the lateral dynamics, and a fixed speed control for the longitudinal. I would like to limit the maximum lateral acceleration and check if the vehicle can drive through different bend radii.
I have tried by setting the desired max. lateral acceleration on the IPG Driver parameters, but I still see on the logs that the vehicle exceeds that threshold.
Also I don’t want the vehicle to decelerate to meet the threshold, that’s why I’m not using IPG driver for longitudinal motion, so I expect the car will deviate on sharp bends due to the limited lateral acceleration.

Good morning,
your car exceeds the maximum lateral acceleration because you are fixing the driver speed and therefore you may expect the car to deviate on sharp bends and go offroad. You may consider use the IPG Driver for the longitudinal with a very high Ax (so the car is not limited by the Driver but by the powertrain torque/power) and limit the deceleration and lateral acceleration. You will see the driver braking appropriately before reaching a corner following the max longitudinal deceleration and driving the corner at the maximum lateral acceleration set by you ( if the vehicle is capable of reaching that acceleration).

Hi Roberto, thanks for your help.
I have now set up the possitive Ax to a very high value and the deceleration to 0, but the driver still decelerates to meet the lateral acceleration, which I understand is the normal behaviour but not what I’m looking for. I would like the speed to remain high, so the car deviates and I can measure how fast it deviates with different maximum lateral acceleration values.
If instead of IPG driver I use the speed control on the longitudinal, I see the vehicle speed meets the target, but the lateral acceleration then exceeds the target.

Good afternoon,
I would use these settings for longitudinal and lateral dynamics

The vehicle will keep the 60kmh in corners too and will deviate from the trajectory if the corner is too tight and the vehicle is not able to hold the reference line.

Hi Roberto,
still didn’t manage to do what I want. I tried with Not specified (and setting max Lat. acc. to 1.6) and speed control for the longitudinal, but the car remains in the lane, because the lat. acc goes over 2, so it’s still not listening to the maximum that I specify.

If you are using IPG Driver for the lateral dynamics then it would be using the settings set in the IPG Driver table. That is why I set the lateral dynamics to Not specified and longitudinal to speed control at a fixed speed, so that the driver will not intervene in case the vehicle passes the threshold acceleration.
Have a look at some of the user cases in the IPG Driver manual to have a clear understanding of the logic behind the IPG Driver.
