LiDAR errors on Formula CarMaker

I’m having issues enabling the LiDAR for the provided CarMaker FS autonomous package. I’m using CarMaker 13.0.1 on Ubuntu 22.04, with an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti, however the same issue is noted on other systems within my team. We have been able to run formula carmaker with the LiDAR disabled in the sensor mountings tab for the ADS-DV (and see data from the cameras), however when the LiDAR is enabled we get the error:

		A2: registered
		A3: registered
SIM_START		FS_autonomous_TrackDrive	2025-01-22 13:14:18
  Time	3.765
		CarMaker ROS Node enabled: Mode = 1, SyncMode = 0
		  -> Node Name = cm_node
		  -> Publish /clock every 100ms
		  -> Sending service request
		CMJob: CyclicJob -> Name=cm2ext Cycle=15000 Offset=0
  Time	0.002
		Beam table read successfully. Table consists of 15000 rows
		FOVh = 0.000000, FOVv = 0.000000, nBeams_h = 300.000000, nBeams_v = 50.000000
		Beam Table --> First Azimuth Element = -59.800000
		Beam Table --> First Elevation Element = -4.900000
		CMJob: CyclicJob -> Name=pointcloud Cycle=10 Offset=0
		CMJob: CyclicJob -> Name=ObjectList Cycle=10 Offset=0
		CMJob: CyclicJob -> Name=Camera Cycle=100 Offset=0
		CMJob: TriggerJob -> Name=VehicleControl Cycle=1 Offset=0
		CMJob: TriggerJob -> Name=ext2cm Cycle=10000 Offset=0
ERROR		GPUSensor: Instance 1 has not registered with the SimProg
ERROR		SensorCluster: Could not get GPUSensor ID Mapping.
SIM_ABORT		FS_autonomous_TrackDrive	0s	0m

If we run the LiDAR instead using MovieNX (other camera sensors still on IPGMovie) we get the error:

		A2: registered
		A3: registered
		A4: registered
SIM_START		FS_autonomous_TrackDrive	2025-01-22 13:19:32
  Time	0.004
		CarMaker ROS Node enabled: Mode = 1, SyncMode = 0
		  -> Node Name = cm_node
		  -> Publish /clock every 100ms
		  -> Sending service request
		CMJob: CyclicJob -> Name=cm2ext Cycle=15000 Offset=0
		Beam table read successfully. Table consists of 15000 rows
		FOVh = 0.000000, FOVv = 0.000000, nBeams_h = 300.000000, nBeams_v = 50.000000
		Beam Table --> First Azimuth Element = -59.800000
		Beam Table --> First Elevation Element = -4.900000
		CMJob: CyclicJob -> Name=pointcloud Cycle=10 Offset=0
		CMJob: CyclicJob -> Name=ObjectList Cycle=10 Offset=0
		CMJob: CyclicJob -> Name=Camera Cycle=100 Offset=0
		CMJob: TriggerJob -> Name=VehicleControl Cycle=1 Offset=0
		CMJob: TriggerJob -> Name=ext2cm Cycle=10000 Offset=0
		  -> Advertised and subscribed topics (14):
		    -> /carmaker/Camera
		    -> /carmaker/ObjectList
		    -> /carmaker/VehicleControl
		    -> /carmaker/cm2ext
		    -> /carmaker/pointcloud
		    -> /clicked_point
		    -> /clock
		    -> /goal_pose
		    -> /hellocm/ext2cm
		    -> /initialpose
		    -> /parameter_events
		    -> /rosout
		    -> /tf
		    -> /tf_static
		Current random seed value = 1737551972
  Time	0.000
SIMULATE		FS_autonomous_TrackDrive
WARNING		CameraRSI: VDS client not running on simulation start. (-60)
WARNING		CameraRSI: VDS client not running on simulation start. (-60)
ERROR		LidarRSI: Error cudaGraphicsGLRegisterImage returned 999, unknown error (-1)
ERROR		LidarRSI: Cuda Error after synchronization (-1)
SIM_ABORT		FS_autonomous_TrackDrive	0.021s	2.91854e-08m

I have confirmed nvidia drivers are installed: “Driver Version: 565.57.01”
I have confirmed cuda is installed: 12.1
*all tests were carried out using downloaded (22/01/25) and built formula carmaker autonomous package with no modifications

Any help on this would be appreciated.

Kind regards,

Could you also provide some screenshots form the terminal window where the project is started? The shell script calls the CarMaker executable with a “-gpudebug” flag, so a lot of extra GPU information may be available there.

For the case of running the LiDAR with MovieNX:

  1. ./ script

  2. output after selecting car and pressing ‘Start’ in GUI

  3. Final log after closing the GUI (but I believe this is known behaviour according to the CMRosIF User Guide)


I’ll review these and try to find a solution.

The latest version of the FSAI package has been modified to work from the MovieNX environment. I think it’s possible to try to use Movie again, but in your case that doesn’t help. I suggest you stick to MovieNX and we try to fix it.

Are you by chance using Wayland instead of the X11 windows manager in Ubuntu? I believe sometimes Ubuntu 22.04 uses Wayland by default, and I know that one is not supported in CarMaker.

Hi Bogomil,

I specified to use x11 (source) and the LiDAR now runs in both IPGMovie and MovieNX! I can also visually confirm that within IPGMovie the LiDAR is projecting onto traffic objects. I still have a minor issue with traffic objects not loading within MovieNX, but can raise this as a separate issue.

Thanks for the support!

I am facing a similar problem. Can you tell me how to specify to use x11? I tried changing the WaylandEnable=true to false in /etc/gdm3/custom.conf and restarted the gdm3 daemon but still facing the same error.