Is multi-objective optimisation feasible in IPG Carmaker?

I want optimize ARB, spring stiffness and tyre for my target roll gradient and understeer values. How carmaker can be use to optimize these parameter to meet my target. given i know the change range for optimization.

CarMaker can be used as the tool to take your input parameters, run a test, and produce the output. You can use CarMaker’s Test Manager to run multiple runs in succession with small variations and produce an output for each run. In Test Manager, you have to manually set the input parameter values.

In addition to the Test Manager, there is also a Test Configuration that can actually create the parameter sweeps for you. I believe this is what you need in your case since you have mentioned you know the change rate and boundaries of your problem.

Once you have run your multiple tests and have enough input-output data points, you have to run your optimisation outside of CarMaker using another tool for numerical analysis. This can be done in Python, Matlab, or any other optimisation tool that you would like to use.