Generate road network based on OpenStreetMap and convert it into OpenDRIVE format, then import it into Unigine and add static models to output to MovieNX

I would like to generate a road network from OpenStreetMap and convert it into an OpenDRIVE map, then import it into Unigine and add static models to output to MovieNX. Could you please tell me how to do this? Or are there any case studies or documentation available?


Once you have OpenDRIVE, you can directly import it inside IPG CarMaker. This will be the road that is used in simulation.

Additional 3D objects can also be added from inside CarMaker around the already loaded road. If you want to use 3D assets already available in IPG, you don’t need to do any work in Unigine, just add them in Scenario Editor directly.

If you would like to add custom 3D assets in the simulation, then I suggest you have a look at the MovieNX documentation in IPG CarMaker

Export Open Street Map to an OSM file, loaded it into RoadRunner, then exported an OpenDrive format file and placed it in CarMaker, where there was a crashing issue.Why is that?

Which version of OpenDRIVE does it export to? The current CarMaker 13 supports OpenDRIVE version 1.4 to 1.7

I have already created the road network using the OpenDRIVE format, but it is a simple road network. I want to add some elements to the scene, such as trees, fences, power lines, and towers.
Some elements can be found in the CarMaker asset library as 3D models, but others are not, such as the A9 highway case in CarMaker, the walls along the highway on the side, the high-rise towers in the distance, and the trees on the terrain. I couldn’t find the corresponding objects in the scene editor, such as the Terrain object. How can I add static 3D models?
Thank you very much.

The good news is successful.

I created a city model in blender and wanted to load the model and road together. Form a scene. But I exported the gltf file from MovieNx’s documentation and attached the model to the road surface as an Geometry object, but it didn’t work. Are there any other ways to put the model into the scene?
The following is an error for movieNx:Version 13.1.1