I am trying run a OpenScenario file in the Carmaker. The OpenScenario file can be find in the following location
The IPG Carmaker was able to successfully validate the OpenScenario file and convert it into Carmaker Info file. But while trying to run the simulation i am getting the following error.
I can see that during the conversion it gives some Warnings for example an Invalid Maneuver definition. As the Controller Action is not supported. As a result I can see that no Ego Maneuver is defined at all, therefor the error given by CarMaker.
Not sure why is only giving a Warning but It looks like the Scenario has unsupported features. To get more information about it, please check the section “16.7 Limitatios of the supported features” under OpenSCENARIO Converter section in the User’s Guide (Main GUI → Help → User’s Guide)