CM4SL - Application 'CarMaker 10.1 - Car_Generic' does not respond

Today by mistake I’ve tried to do a testrun with a model that uses CM4SL on regular CM, and CM crashed. After have executed cmenv from the formula CM package, I opened simulink (TV example) and tried to open the GUI, but received this error message:

“Application ‘CarMaker 10.1 - Car_Generic’ on host ‘desktop-jqk4ugd’
does not respond.”
Already tried to reinstall all IPG software, but no luck. The software keeps crashing, if instead of choosing wait, I pick abort, the CM Gui works, but simulink dont connect. Previously there was an option at “File->Connect” that was supposed to reconnect to Simulink, but on version 10.1 It doesn’t seems to exist.
Any ideas?

Found out the problem, turns out my firewall was blocking the connection between CM4SL and Simulink. Added an exception and it worked again.