I’m encountering an issue with CarMaker. Every time I try to access either “Parameters → Maneuver” or “Parameters → Scenario/Road,” the program crashes. Do you have any insights into what might be causing this problem?
I’d like to add that: 1- i am using the windows version. 2- I checked the system requirements and my systems seems to be sufficient to run CarMaker.
Thank you.
Good afternoon,
which CM version are you using?
Have you tried already to install the software again?
Good afternoon Roberto,
Thank you for your reply.
I was using CM 12.0 on a Windows machine (Windows Server 2019 Datacenter). I tried to uninstall then re-install. It did not solve the problem. I tried to downgrade my version to CM 11.0. I can access Parameters → Maneuver now but several other problems persist. For example, IPGMovie and IPGControl are inoperative and the Scenario/Road window opens but it crashes immediately.
If you have any idea on how to solve this, your assistance is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
can you record the screen of what is happening and send the video here?
I recommend also to use another computer and check that you don’t have hardware issues on your current one.
You mentioned Windows Server. Is this a physical server you are running or on a virtual machine? What graphics adapter does it have? Could you maybe send us the full system spec just so we can double check it is all supported?
Thank you all for your suggestions. I requested a license transfer and moved to a different PC. Similar properties but CarMaker works with no issues so far.
Thank you for the update. Good to hear you have resolved the issue.