Adding sensors to ADS-DV (car model)

I want to add a sensor simulating an IMU to the ADS-DV model available, currently to get the linear and angular acceleration of the car, as workaround I had to add a new ROS publisher in the code of CM (publishing the Car.Fr1.v_ and Car.Fr1.r_xyz), but I want to have a sensor simulation of IMU like those available for camera and LiDAR.
Is there a way to add a new sensor model for an IMU or is there a pre-existing model for IMU that I can use?


There is an IMU sensor in CarMaker, but you will have to add the lines of code that take its data and publish it on the ROS network.

for the record, every car in CarMaker comes with a default IMU. The data Car.Fr1_v and Car.Fr1_r_xyz comes technically from that IMU. I believe that IMU is positioned at the centre of gravity of the car. To access all inertial data from that sensor, you can look at the following signals:


If you want to know more about the signals coming from the CarMaker IMU, you can have a look at chapter 26.14.1 in the CarMaker Reference Manual. It’s called “Inertial sensor” and it contains a table of all IMU signals.